Monday, October 25, 2010

And Baby Makes Three...

What better way to start the new year than being parents to the most beautiful baby boy. On October 25th at 1:30am, i was laying in bed sound asleep. To my surprise I was woken up by my water breaking. I sat up all night just timing my contractions until about 6:30 when we finally decided to head to the hospital. We arrived there around 7:00 am and the journey began! These pictures were when everything was still enjoyable...

The day went by pretty fast and my labor was slowly progressing!

At about 9:00 pm, Dr. Parsons (coolest Dr. ever!) came in and said it was time to start pushing. At 9:57 we got to meet our little angel. Mason James Pullenza. He weighed 7lbs 12 oz and was 20 1/2 inches long.

Before we knew it, it was time to go home and start our life as a family.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Baby Chain!

The other day a girl asked me how many day's I had left in my pregnancy, and to my surprise I had no idea. I felt bad that I didn't know the answer. It kinda felt like when you were dating someone and you got asked how many day's or month's you had been dating and you did'nt know the answer. I really felt like I should know, soo I made this really cheesy paper chain. It's like the kind you used to make as a kid when you were counting down christmas. So I figured out that I had 103 days left and I cut out and stapled 103 rings together and thumb tacked it to the wall. So now when someone asks how many day's I have left, I will always know!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Good Ole Silver Dollar Fair...But Missing My Hubby on our Anniversary!

Every year I go to the Silver Dollar Fair in Chico with my mom and sister. Even though I don't live there anymore... This year was no exception! This year we had Aubree and Lexi and my Uncle Jim. It was definately a different experience being pregnant! All that walking and standing was exhausting! We got to watch some pig races, play some games, and of course my favorite was all the bad bad food! I had corn on the cob, chocolate covered cheesecake, and a corn dog! Love the fair!